More than 210 failure modes that can be injected, including “resettable” failures.Implementation of over 130 circuit breakers to cut power to certain systems.Hoppie CPDLC and PDC functionality including weather download from the Hoppie network.ACARS functionality: SimBrief flight plan import directly into the FMGS, TO Performance computations and wind upload.Custom EFB with Avitab integration, weight and balance computer, take off and landing performance as well as interactive check list.Choice of 2 engine types: PW1127G-JM and CFM LEAP1A26.Onboard print function for weather conditions, TO data, AOC messages and other data.Brand new cockpit textures optimized for X-Plane 12.Its handling is more agile and it has better climb performance than its bigger A321 cousin. The A320neo is a very versatile aircraft which can take off and land on short runways such as in Rio de Janeiro’s Santos Dumont airport, while still having decent payload capacity and range. The A320neo is our newest product and has many new features in addition to all the features that our other aircraft have. Please note that are no other authorized sources for purchasing our aircraft if you see it on offer anywhere else it will be a non-legitimate copy.įor licensing terms and conditions, please check the bottom of this page. You can buy all our products at one of these three online stores: The Airbus A340-600 with Trent 556 engines.The Airbus A321 with CFM and IAE engines, plus a NEO addon to add the PW GTF and the CFM LEAP engines.The Airbus A319 with CFM and IAE engines.Our newest and most sophisticated product: The Airbus A320neo with PW GTF and CFM LEAP engines.

We currently offer 4 different Airbus products for X-plane: